Oct 18, 2008

I have a toddler in my bed. Help!

The bane of most new families is having a little one invade your sleep space. But fret not, as the experts say that this is actually a good thing. It is called attachment parenting and results in a secure, well-adjusted child who will always be close to home.

Whilst I never planned to co-sleep, and in fact was very against it, I somehow fell into the trap and have never looked back. I have accepted the fact that Tee might very well still be in my bed by the time she is thirty. No, I'm kidding. If that happened, I'd send her to a psychiatrist!

If you'd like to read about our co-sleeping journey, then get yourself a cup of coffee with an hour to spare, as it's been one helluva journey. And to think that she's only four!

Oct 3, 2008

Extra curriculur activities for a four year old???

Hmmm......the ever raised question by unsure parents all around the world. How much is really enough? Should I impose music lessons so she can have something to fall back on should she not make it? Do I want him to be a professional golfer? My child MUST be the top 2 in his class because I need to be able to tell my friends that if asked. How come everyone elses kid is booked at every class? I think I'd better send Tyler to some classes.....

Sound familiar?

Before you sign your kid up for a new class, perhaps you should find out more about the consequences of children with overloaded schedules first.

I'm just saying......