Nov 11, 2008

Spirituality in Children

Have you ever wondered about your child's religion? Is it an automatic process whereby your child takes over whatever religion you practise or would you allow your child to select his or hew own religion when he is old enough to understand?

Tee and I, we don't go to Church or really practise any particular religion per se but we do pray almost every night. It is so Tee understands that there IS a higher being that she could always call upon and that she should be grateful for a lot of things. I think that it is important to inculcate that in a child.

If you ever wondered, Does My Child Need A Religion? go to Mamapumpkin for what I think.


Dhemz said...

thanks for the comment..she definitely love come dora is expensive over there? hope to be here more often..I wish you could add a shoutbox on your page

Anonymous said...

OMG! This has been on my mind for the last 3 months! We too don't have any religion...but, I've been getting so many types of 'signs' that my kids should learn about the 'higher power'.

Haiz..lemme read ur post first.