Oct 17, 2007

A new beginning for Tee and Me

Today marks the day for new beginnings. Why today, you may ask….

Well, today, my three year old convinced me that she really was a confident, bossy little Missy by role-playing a teacher at a friend’s home. The friend had a tuition centre renovated into his home and Tee loved it. She took on the role as teacer so naturally and ordered the above 40’s around the classroom. And taught them. Taught them (men) how to use moisturiser. The proper way.

Then she taught them how to cure a cough.

Her animation and hand actions were just amazing. And her articulation superb. Our hosts were so in awe of her that I knew I had done something right.

Hence, to share all the little activities that we do or have done at home and elsewhere, I am starting this to exactly communicate that. I know that not all mothers have the time nor the inclination nor the imagination to think up such activities with their tots but if you so happen to want to do something one fine day, you are most welcomed to draw from our ideas. I will categorise this blog into age groups so you can click on a particular age group for an activity. It’s just the beginning but be patient, we’ll get there.

For now, let’s celebrate the incredible joy of having a toddler!!!

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