Oct 17, 2007

Toddlers are fearless!

One thing I've experienced with a three year old is that they love pushing buttons. Yeah, they loved pushing them since they started getting the hang of their motor skills, but at three, they're REALLY pushing them. Your buttons.

They will test, test, and test......just to see how far you would go as a parent.

For example, "Go to the corner!"


"Go to the corner now!"


"I said, GO to the corner!"


What do you do then? Well, don't do nothing! Show them who's really boss and take them to the corner. You will be faced with resistance, of course.

I lie. You will be faced with a screaming, kicking octopus that refuses to be laid on your next pasta dish. Whatever you do, don't give in.

Toddlers need boundaries.

If not, statistics have shown that children without boundaries have ill-effects later on in life. They become insecure. They have relationship problems because they are not equipped with the proper skills in selecting a right partner. They don't know right from wrong. From being so cocooned in their ideal world, they are suddenly thrown into the real world thus, you will not be doing your child any favours by giving in to him. Tough love, it's called. If you truly love them.

Don't turn your child into a victim just because YOU have issues. Do what's best for them. In the most loving way you know how.


Unknown said...

dont you just love when they tell you NO...my daughter tell me NO all day long..it drives me crazy!!

Nick Phillips (15/03/1967 - 04/11/2022) said...

LOL! It's a toddlers favorite word! My younger boy has no respect for authority at home but he is an angel in school though. Thank god for small miracles ... LOL!